About This Course:
Loan information on the Call Report provides critical credit information for regulators, especially in today's environment. Examiners are reviewing call report schedules in much more detail than in the past. The rules for schedule RC-C dictate how loans are to be reported on all loan schedules, including the income statement, charge-offs and recoveries, averages, and past dues and non-accruals.
This webinar will help you learn the classification priority for reporting loan information correctly and will provide detailed information related on correctly reporting:
- Loan classifications by Call Code
- Unused commitments
- Derivatives originating from mortgages held for sale
- Insider loans
- Troubled debt restructurings
- The impact upon implementation of ASU 2016-13 Current and Expected Credit Losses (CECL)
- Reporting purchase credit impaired loans vs credit deteriorated loans under ASU 2016-13
Who Should Attend:This review of the loan schedules will benefit anyone in the lending area, including loan officers, loan assistants, and any loan operations personnel responsible for coding loans. It will supplement annual comprehensive Call Report training recommended by bank regulators.
What You'll Learn:- RC-C Loan Classifications
- RC-C Memoranda on Restructured Loans
- RC-K, Loan Quarter to Date Averages
- RC-L, Unused Commitments, Letters of Credit, Derivatives
- RC-M, Insider Loans
- RC-N, Past Due, Non-accrual Loans, TDRs
- RI-B, Charge-Offs, Recoveries and Changes in the ALLL/PCL
- RI-C Disaggregated Data on the ALLL
- RI-E Adjustments to the ALLL/PCL